Ingredients: Organic Burdock Root, Milky Top Oats, Cleavers, Calendula, Dandelion Root, Dandelion Leaf, Slippery Elm Bark, Distilled Water, and Organic Vegetable Glycerin.
Therapeutic Uses:
Lymphatic, liver, kidney, nervous system and digestive aid.
Bitter compounds promote digestive secretions and assimilation, but also aids with reducing sweet/salty cravings.
→ This can aid with weight loss for some individuals.Contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorophyll, iron, silica, B-vitamins, flavonoids, Vitamin A, C, and D, and mucilage.
Anti-inflammatory, demulcent, and a diuretic
BE AWARE: Not recommended for those with Daisy family allergies.
Do NOT take oral meds by AT LEAST 1 hour before/after
—> Decreases absorption of medications